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Yuval D.

Freelance Blockchain & Full-Stack Developer
  • Suggested rate
    $951 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Yuval's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Vienna, Austria
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set
Yuval in a few words

I build top-quality Back-End, Front-End and Full-Stack projects of all sizes. Depending on your needs, I can offer services either as an independent developer, or team-up with one of the internationally renown designers I work with to both professionally design and develop your project. I work with companies and individuals of all levels of understanding of technology, from complete unfamiliarity to absolute mastery. I mostly use the MERN Stack + TypeScript and Redux to build and deploy web scrapers, back-ends, and web/desktop applications. I also use some more highly specialized technologies when needed, like WebRTC and
  • Freelance
    Freelance Solidity Developer
    September 2021 - Today (3 years and 5 months)
    • Writing secure and efficient Smart Contracts using Solidity and Web3.
    • Providing end-to-end solutions for DApps, ERC-20s, ERC-777s, ERC-1155s, and more, including not only Smart Contract development, but also accompanying Full-Stack applications and integrating the two together.
    • Writing scalable and reusable Smart Contract unit tests using Mocha + Chai to ensure no bugs are missed. Bugs cause way more damage with Smart Contracts than with normal Full-Stack apps.
    • Using my previous experience in Cyber Security, putting a special emphasis on security where Smart Contracts are involved. In the Blockchain world, more than anywhere else, a company's reputation can very easily be destroyed by a security breach.
    • Putting a special emphasis on efficiency to ensure any Smart Contract function used costs only the bare minimum required from the users.
    Solidity Web3 Truffle Hardhat ERC-20 ERC-777 ERC-721 ERC-1155 React Next.js Node.js
  • Freelance
    Freelance Full-Stack & Back-End Web Developer, Lead Developer & Project Manager
    July 2019 - Today (5 years and 7 months)
    • Building, managing, and leading native web, mobile & desktop applications for clients using mainly Node.js, MongoDB, TypeScript, React.js (MERN Stack) and Redux, with the addition of Electron.js for desktop applications.
    • Building & managing, when needed, with specialized technologies, such as WebRTC, Socket.IO and more.
    • Building & leading teams of all sizes. Recruiting top talent for fair rates completely independently, with as minimal use of the client's resources as possible.
    • Using my background in Cyber-Security & Research to ensure projects are secure, optimized and using the best technologies for their use-case.
    • Using my experience in managing large clients to ensure constant, optimal communication with the client at all times, as well as ensuring they're fully aware of all the important parts in their project's development.
    React.js Electron MongoDB Node.js SQL Express.js Redux Typescript WebRTC Next.js Web3
  • Wikistrat
    Lead Developer & Project Manager
    January 2020 - October 2021 (1 year and 9 months)
    Led a full-stack team working on a huge, product-changing set of features and platforms for Wikistrat - one of the world's largest tech companies, serving Fortune 500 companies, the world's biggest non-profits, government agencies, U.S presidential campaigns, and more.

    Wikistrat serves extremely wealthy and high-profile clients. As such, perfection in my code and conduct is absolutely mandatory.

    • Capacity was as a lead developer/tech lead and managing a team of Full-Stack engineers.
    • Strategizing & advising on technical features, their code, and how they should be implemented.
    • Co-ordinating many teams, both on the technical and business side, to take all factors and all use cases into account in new versions, ensuring no work is wasted due to misunderstandings.
    • Reviewing code to ensure proper implementation of strategies.
    • Massive project spanning several repositories and teams, building features and platforms that are a complete game-changer for Wikistrat.
    • Additional responsibilities as a Lead Developer, writing and debugging highly sensitive and advanced code in React, Electron.js, Redux, TypeScript, Node.js, MongoDB, and more.
    • Managing an R&D team consisting of developers using the same aforementioned stack. Responsible for the team's performance, deadlines, and quality of work.
    • Setting up project management systems to ensure efficient and fast development.
    • Communicating with all stakeholders daily in a highly efficient and standardized manner, ensuring they always have a crystal clear image of exactly where the project is at.
    React.js Typescript Node.js Electron MongoDB SQL
  • Full-Stack Web Developer
    Le Wagon
    9-week intensive coding bootcamp learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript ES2015, SQL, git, GitHub, Heroku and Ruby on Rails. Designed, implemented, pitched and shipped to production a clone of AirBnB and a Rails MVP of Alfred, a travel assistant app.