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Xavier Mas Leszkiewicz

Fullstack Engineer, Software Architect, Mobile App
1 project
1 recommendation
  • Suggested rate
    $334 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response timeA few days
The project will begin once you accept Xavier's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Dubai (up to 20km)
  • and around Abu Dhabi (up to 20km)

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Xavier in a few words
I have Spanish and British citizenship. I am a curious person who looks forward to learning things every day. I am really passionate about technology, teaching, and coaching. I am the author of two Java manuals. I love teaching students and coaching people. I do really like to interact with groups to contribute to my ideas.

Related to technology, my main fields of interest are Java, Big Data, Computer Science, Project Management, and Coaching.

I obtained my postgraduate in Big Data Management and Analytics, Big Data and Data Science from the UPC School of Professional & Executive Development in 2016 and my B.S. in Audiovisual Systems Engineering(Telecommunication degree) from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 2015, after completing my thesis on Object tracking using real-world coordinates at Institut für Nachrichtenübertragung in Technische Universität Berlin.
    Solucionar display de un gif para Python
    January 2022 - January 2022
    Barcelona, España
    Ayudar a mejorar la visualización de un vídeo animado para un trabajo de investigación.
    El trabajo contenía librerías de reconocimiento de voz y el cliente buscaba una forma elegante de poder representar una animación mientras el programa de reconocimiento de voz estaba activo.
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    Software Engineer
    February 2021 - Today (4 years and 1 month)
    Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
    Client: Telefonica Role: Software Engineer Project: Merge LATAM and Spain infrastructure for all IPTV events. Technologies: Python, Java, MongoDB, Kafka, Kafka Streams, Celery, Behave
  • Clevertech
    Senior Backend Engineer
    October 2020 - March 2021 (5 months)
    Arizona, United States
    Client: CSAA Responsible for designing and developing architectures for the backend. Technologies: AWS (Sam, API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, Parameter Store, Code Pipeline), NodeJs.
1 project on Malt
  • Quality

  • Respects deadlines

  • Communication




Xavier es una persona muy proactiva y profesional, se preocupa por las necesidades del cliente y está en todo momento pendiente de la calidad y el resultado final del proyecto, además, analiza el conjunto del proyecto y propone ideas ideas que mejoran el resultado. Ha demostrado unos conocimientos muy avanzados en el área de programación en PYTHON. En conclusión, un excelente trabajo. Lo recomiendo¡¡¡¡

1 recommendation

Rebeca Giancarlo recommend Xavier

Rebeca GiancarloRG
Rebeca Giancarlo
Xavier es un profesional muy cualificado y proactivo. Me realizó la creación de un website y contrario a otros freelance con los que he trabajo, Xavier participó activamente en el proyecto y estuvo pendiente de gestionar todas las demandas y necesidades que teníamos para la website. Además de la programación se encargó activamente en el diseño y estética de la web, agradecemos mucho su implicación y el resultado final. Gran profesional y súper recomendable, repetiremos otros proyectos con él seguro!
  • Postgraduate in Big Data Management and Analytics
    UPC School (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
    This Postgraduate programme considers both aspects in depth: management (Big Data Management) and exploitation of data (Big Data Analytics), while providing applicability and a business vision within this system.
  • Bachelor thesis
    Technische Universität Berlin
    Title of the project: Object Tracking with multiple cameras using real world coordinates. Abstract: This thesis covers the design and implementation of a Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter. A new approach is used on this filter, instead of using the object detections in pixel coordinates, a camera system is attached to this filter in order to treat the detections of all objects in real world coordinates. The thesis is intended to be an enhancement of the typical GM-PHD Filter. The system is able to work in an scenario with multiple views and also shows a top image view generated from all the views. This new approach allows using multiple detectors, reducing the probability the missed detections. The results are subjectively better using one detector in world mode but using more detectors some noise is produced by the camera system affecting negatively to the system.
  • Bachelor's degree in Audiovisual Systems (Grado en Ingeniería de telecomunicaciones)
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
    The bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Systems provides the necessary cross-disciplinary skills to conceive, design, implement and operate products, systems and services in the field of audiovisual systems engineering, particularly acoustics, image, audio, video and multimedia. You will tackle the fundamentals and applications of audio, video and multimedia systems and acquire techniques for the analysis and synthesis of electrical and electronic circuits and digital and analogue communications. You will specialise in acoustics and sound systems, digital signal processing, communication systems, electronic equipment and devices and multimedia techniques.