- FreelanceUI DesignerREAL ESTATEDecember 2022 - Today (2 years)Lisbon, PortugalDesigned career pages and a landing page for a real-estate and cryptocurrency website using the already existing Style Guide.
- NovonovoUX/UI DesignerENVIRONMENTALNovember 2022 - December 2022 (1 month)Lisbon, PortugalRedesigned a marketplace website for a sustainable secondary materials reseller, mainly clarifying the client's homepage and making the material's library more easily accessible and easier to navigate and ultimatly promoting the website's retention rate.User research and testing was conducted with more then 20 users, assuring the user's needs were being met.The visual identity of the website was also redesigned in order to attract more of Novonovo's target client.
- FreelanceUX/UI DesignerHEALTH & WELLNESSDecember 2022 - Today (2 years)Lisbon, PortugalDesigned a wellness app to track the user's habits & daily mood that showcased if the current user's habits were promoting their happiness or not, offering different suggestions to better their mood.User research and testing was conducted with more then 20 users, assuring the user's needs were being met.
- UX/UI Design Bootcamp, UX/UI DesignIronhack2022UX/UI Design Bootcamp, UX/UI Design
- PsicologiaISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa2021Psicologia
- Ensino BásicoDeutsche Schule Lissabon / Escola Alemã de Lisboa2017Ensino Básico
- Introduction to CodingSheCodes2019