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Valentin V. Milanov

Project&Program Manager&Six Sigma Master BlackBelt
  • Suggested rate
    $262 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Valentin's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Seville, Spain
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Skill set
Valentin in a few words
Mr. Valentin V. Milanov (MSc/Eng),Electronics & Software Test Engineer,Project & Program Manager & Business Analyst,Six Sigma Master Black Belt™ & Six Sigma Green Belt™,DevOps Project Manager & Software Test Manager,Certified Professional in Digital Marketing (CPDM), Certified Coaching Professional (CCP).Manager of the Transfer, Mastering and Implementation.Server Administrator & Web Page Manager,Website Designer & Application Developer with Web Technologies.

The author and founder, researcher and developer of projects, websites and Concept of the Planetary Project "Prosperous Planet":

"Freedom, Prosperity, Peace - Planet Earth 21st Century - Peace, Prosperity, Freedom,"
The European: "Freedom, Prosperity, Peace - European Union 21 Century - Peace, Prosperity, Freedom".

Prosperity = study, jobs, business, wealth = prosperity!

And its main part: "Freedom, Prosperity, Peace - Name of the State (10 million, +/- 30%)*** 21 Century - Peace, Prosperity, Freedom" (In English and the official language),

with a territory and population of 10 million, + or - 30% or financial union when they are small, from 2011 to now, to stimulate and develop, manage and improve their social and economic status using the tools of new information technologies and the communication in a democratic way in the European Union, South America and worldwide. Or Two and more countries united in a financial union with this population.

Which are the main cells of my Universal and Complex Algorithm sixth revision and editing of the “P.A.C.T.E.D.” * ALGORITHM “H.B.B.S.I.D.I.P.”** , an important tool in the practical implementation of my Planetary Project.

  • “P.A.C.T.E.D.” - “Planetary Anti-Corruption, Technological, Economic and Democratic”.
** “H.B.B.S.I.D.I.P.” - "Human Brain Bio-Social Individual Development and Integral Protection".
*** Independent State or Financial Union of Independent States with a population of 10 million + or - 30%.

All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
  • The Belgian: "Freedom, Prosperity, Peace - Belgium 21st Century - Peace, Prosperity, Freedom"
    The author and founder, researcher and developer of projects and Project/Program Manager
    March 2011 - Today (13 years and 11 months)
    Seville, Spain
    The “P.A.C.T.E.D.” * ALGORITHM “H.B.B.S.I.D.I.P.” **, an important tool in the practical implementation of my Planetary Project.

    • “P.A.C.T.E.D.” - “Planetary Anti-Corruption, Technological, Economic and Democratic”.
    ** “H.B.B.S.I.D.I.P.” - "Human Brain Bio-Social Individual Development and Integral Protection".
    *** Independent State or Financial Union of Independent States with a population of 10 million + or - 30%.
    Prosperity = study, jobs, business, wealth = prosperity!
  • Planetary Project "Prosperous Planet": "Freedom, Prosperity, Peace - Planet Earth 21st Century - Peace, Prosperity, Freedom"
    The author and founder, researcher and developer of projects and Project Manager
    March 2011 - Today (13 years and 11 months)
    Seville, Spain
    The “P.A.C.T.E.D.” * ALGORITHM “H.B.B.S.I.D.I.P.”** , an important tool in the practical implementation of my Planetary Project.

    • “P.A.C.T.E.D.” - “Planetary Anti-Corruption, Technological, Economic and Democratic”.
    ** “H.B.B.S.I.D.I.P.” - "Human Brain Bio-Social Individual Development and Integral Protection".
    *** Independent State or Financial Union of Independent States with a population of 10 million + or - 30%.

    All rights reserved.