- “P.A.C.T.E.D.” - “Planetary Anti-Corruption, Technological, Economic and Democratic”.
*** Independent State or Financial Union of Independent States with a population of 10 million + or - 30%.
- The Belgian: "Freedom, Prosperity, Peace - Belgium 21st Century - Peace, Prosperity, Freedom"The author and founder, researcher and developer of projects and Project/Program ManagerRESEARCHMarch 2011 - Today (13 years and 11 months)Seville, SpainThe “P.A.C.T.E.D.” * ALGORITHM “H.B.B.S.I.D.I.P.” **, an important tool in the practical implementation of my Planetary Project.
- “P.A.C.T.E.D.” - “Planetary Anti-Corruption, Technological, Economic and Democratic”.
*** Independent State or Financial Union of Independent States with a population of 10 million + or - 30%.Prosperity = study, jobs, business, wealth = prosperity! - Planetary Project "Prosperous Planet": "Freedom, Prosperity, Peace - Planet Earth 21st Century - Peace, Prosperity, Freedom"The author and founder, researcher and developer of projects and Project ManagerRESEARCHMarch 2011 - Today (13 years and 11 months)Seville, SpainThe “P.A.C.T.E.D.” * ALGORITHM “H.B.B.S.I.D.I.P.”** , an important tool in the practical implementation of my Planetary Project.
- “P.A.C.T.E.D.” - “Planetary Anti-Corruption, Technological, Economic and Democratic”.
*** Independent State or Financial Union of Independent States with a population of 10 million + or - 30%.All rights reserved.