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Tero Kruth

Senior Data Engineer
  • Suggested rate
    $983 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Tero's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Helsinki, Finland
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set (31)
Tero in a few words
Over 20+ of experience on data engineering with different technologies, different roles and different industries. I have been developer (both ETL and reporting), data modeller, architect, project manager. To prove my technical knowledge, I have passed several subject area certifications. To name few:
- Azure Data Engineer Associate
- Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Associate
- AWS Cloud Practitioner
- Snowflake SnowPro Core
- Informatica Designer

Before data engineering, my focus area was financial software implementations.

I prefer remote projects, but can travel to the office e.g. once or twice a month for few days.

You can find some of my data engineering related blog posts (English and Finnish) by visiting
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