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Suraj Papde

Digital marketing, Website,Mobile App,SEO,Social
1 recommendation
  • Suggested rate
    $129 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Suraj's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Pune, MH, India
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set (7)
Suraj in a few words

🎯 I am a FullStack WordPress Expert with 5+ years of professional experience. I possess expertise in Website design+development, Frontend development, Backend development, Website content writing, Website digital marketing.

☞ I have created dynamic and modern websites for individuals, small companies, government institutions, and corporate companies that match their brand objectives and impact their online presence, upscaling their business.

☞ My unique selling point is that I put myself in the client's shoes, understanding their objective for the project helps me to deliver them the best possible solution.

📺 Programming Languages

Frontend Development
✔ WordPress
- All page builders (Elementor, Oxygen Builder, Wp Bakery, DIVI, and others)
- Theme + Plugin Customization + Configuration + Development (WooCommerce, BuddyPress, Astra, DIVI, Avada, Learndash, MemberPress, and Others)
- Database design + development.
- Server Hosting Setup (AWS Server, Siteground, Hostgator, Godaddy, and Others)
- Website Speed Optimization,
- Bug Fixing, TroubleShooting, Malware Removal
- API Integration
✔CSS-HTML, BootStrap, Javascript, Jquery.

✔ Backend development using PHP, CodeIgniter, Core PHP, Customized MVC

📺 Designing Tools Expertise:

✔ Adobe Suite (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, XD), Adobe Premiere Pro, Figma.

💻 Work Expertise

✔ Website Design
✔ Website Development
✔ WebsiteContent Writing
✔ Website Digital Marketing [SMM, SEO]
✔ UI/UX Design
✔ Logo Design,
✔ Graphic Design
✔ Packaging Design
✔ Digital marketing materials

⎈ What more can I offer you?

➠ 100% Satisfaction
➠ Lifetime Friendly Support
➠ Skilled, Professional, Efficient, & Highly Organized
➠ Good Communication Skills[Fluent in English].

✍ Availability: On-demand. (Up to 9 hours/day and 50 hours/week)

♥ Thank you for your precious time to check out my profile, and my best wishes for good health to you and your loved ones. I look forward to starting work with you.

Best Regards
  • Sanpurple Inc
    Digital Marketer &n Website Developer
    October 2011 - Today (13 years and 4 months)
    Pune, MH, India

    🎯 I am a FullStack WordPress Expert with 5+ years of professional experience. I possess expertise in Website design+development, Frontend development using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery, WordPress, Backend development using PHP, CodeIgniter, Core PHP, Customized MVC, Website content writing, Website digital marketing [Social media marketing, SEO, Graphic Designing, Video Editing]

    ☞ I have created dynamic and modern websites for individuals, small companies, government institutions, and corporate companies that match their brand objectives and impact their online presence, upscaling their business.

    ☞ In today’s era, lots of new websites are created every day. Appealing modern design with short and easy-to-understand content, easy-to-use modern interface, smooth-running websites, and user-friendly experience are the prime factors required to capture the users' attention. I create websites keeping all these factors in mind.

    ☞ I am not limited to creating new websites from scratch but I can also work on existing ones per your demands.

    ☞ My unique selling point is that I put myself in the client's shoes, understanding their objective for the project helps me to deliver them the best possible solution.

    📺 Programming Languages

    Frontend Development
    ✔ WordPress
    - All page builders (Elementor, Oxygen Builder, Wp Bakery, DIVI, and others)
    - Theme + Plugin Customization + Configuration + Development (WooCommerce, BuddyPress, Astra, DIVI, Avada, Learndash, MemberPress, and Others)
    - Database design + development.
    - Server Hosting Setup (AWS Server, Siteground, Hostgator, Godaddy, and Others)
    - Website Speed Optimization,
    - Bug Fixing, TroubleShooting, Malware Removal
    - Cross-platform, Cross Browser Issue Fixing.
    - API Integration
    ✔CSS-HTML[all versions old+new], BootStrap, Javascript, Jquery.

    ✔ Backend development using PHP, CodeIgniter, Core PHP, Customized MVC

    📺 Designing Tools Expertise:

    ✔ Adobe Suite (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, XD), Adobe Premiere Pro, Figma.

    💻 Work Expertise

    ✔ Website Design
    ✔ Website Development
    ✔ WebsiteContent Writing
    ✔ Website Digital Marketing [SMM, SEO]
    ✔ UI/UX Design
    ✔ Logo Design,
    ✔ Graphic Design
    ✔ Packaging Design
    ✔ Digital marketing materials

    ⎈ What more can I offer you?

    ➠ 100% Satisfaction
    ➠ Fast Turnaround ( you'll always have your project on time )
    ➠ Lifetime Friendly Support
    ➠ Skilled, Dedicated Professional, Efficient, Hardworking, & Highly Organized
    ➠ Communicative & Responsible Good Communication Skills[Fluent in English].
    ➠ Flexible in delivering your work progress [daily, weekly or other] as per your preference.

    ✍ Availability: On-demand. (Up to 9 hours/day and 50 hours/week)

    ♥ Thank you for your precious time to check out my profile, and my best wishes for good health to you and your loved ones. I look forward to starting work with you.

    Best Regards
    Digital Marketing SEO Local SEO Social Media Website Mobile Design
1 recommendation

Penny Lo recommend Suraj

Penny LoPL
Penny Lo
Sanpurple inc
Suraj is highly skilled Digital marketing manager and Web, mobile development Manager
  • Bacholar of Enginnering
    Pune University
    I am An Engineer.