- Unicharm gulf hygienics coLegal advisorHEALTH & WELLNESSJune 2022 - Today (2 years and 6 months)Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaOrganizing all the company’s contracts and creating a database for them to show the extent of the possibility of renewing contracts and continuing or terminating them.- Investigating employees who violate the company's regulations.Review and audit all company contracts (transfer - cooperation - purchases...).Assistance in providing legal solutions.Informing employees of the legal systems and company work regulations.- Work in cooperation on issues related to trademarks belonging to the company.Writing declarations, warnings, and letters.Work in cooperation with an external law firm in relation to the company's issues and disputes related to it.
- Ministry of commerceLegal researcherE-COMMERCEJanuary 2022 - May 2022 (5 months)Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaRecommendation letter from the managerStudying reports, complaints and cases that are received by the administration by virtue of jurisdiction.Examining suspension requests.Reporting to the competent authorities regarding the companies as required.Referring companies violating the corporate system to the competent authorities.Monitoring companies to see their compliance with laws and regulations.Writing a record of hearing statements regarding the defendants, and hearing their statements.Preparing a regulation violating the companies’ system regarding companies violating the system in terms of convening the general assembly, and submitting the financial statements during the statutory period.
- Contracting companyAdministrativeREAL ESTATEMay 2021 - December 2021 (8 months)Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Shahad Alofaisan recommend Shahad
Working as legal advisor
- Bachelor degree in lawPrince sattam bin Abdulaziz universal2020Bachelor degree in law Gpa : 4.59/5.00
- Graduation certificatePrince sattam bin Abdulaziz University2020