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Fares Sayah

Machine Learning Engineer | Data Scientist
  • Suggested rate
    $157 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Fares's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Sétif, Algeria
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Sétif (up to 50km)

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Skill set (31)
Fares in a few words
I am a data scientist having experience in developing machine learning and deep learning models for several real-world tasks. I have a solid knowledge of python programming, machine learning, and deep learning.

Currently, I am very active on Kaggle where I participate in different kinds of competitions (Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Time Series Analysis, and Predictive Modeling) based on real-world problems.

My services:
➼ Data cleaning, Data analysis, and Data visualization.
➼ Supervised learning (Classification/Regression)
➼ Time series analysis
➼ Natural Language Processing (NLP)
➼ Computer Vision (CV)

Machine Learning Algorithms:
➼ Linear/Logistic Regression
➼ K-Nearest Neighbours (kNN)
➼ Decision Trees
➼ Support Vector Machine (SVM)
➼ Neural Network (ANN, RNN, CNN, DNN, etc)
➼ Ensemble methods (Random Forest, XGBoost, CatBoost, AdaBoost, LightGBM, etc)

➼ Python
➼ Matplotlib / Seaborn
➼ Pandas / Numpy
➼ OpenCV / YOLO
➼ Scikit-Learn / Tensorflow / Keras
  • Kaggle
    Data scientist (Kaggle Master)
    September 2019 - Today (5 years and 6 months)
    Kaggle is a platform for predictive modeling and analytics competitions in which statisticians and data miners compete to produce the best models for predicting and describing the datasets uploaded by companies and users. Kaggle profile: ➼ 2x Kaggle Expert (Dataset Expert, Discussion Expert) + Kaggle Notebooks Master ➼ Kaggle Datasets Expert: Highest Rank 63 in the World based on Kaggle Rankings (over 13k data scientists) ➼ Kaggle Notebooks Master: Highest Rank 89 in the World based on Kaggle Rankings (over 100k data scientists) ➼ Kaggle Discussion Expert: Highest Rank 68 in the World based on Kaggle Rankings (over 100k data scientists) ➼ Kaggle Competitions Contributor (Unranked)
  • E-learning
    1. The complete python course, learn by doing - Jose Salvatierra. 2. Data Structures and Algorithms Through python - Deepali Srivastava. 3. Learn Data Analysis with Python Pandas - Tony Staunton. 4. The complete machine learning course in python - Anthony NG. 5. The Data Science Course 2019 Complete Data Science Bootcamp - 365 Careers Team 6. SQL - MySQL for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence - 365 Careers Team 7. Web Scraping and API Fundamentals in Python - 365 Careers Team 8. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp - Jose Portilla 9. Complete Tensorflow 2 and Keras Deep Learning Bootcamp - Jose Portilla 10. Tensorflow 2.0 Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence - The Lazy Programmer
  • Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
    Université de Seddik Ben-Yahia Jijel - Algeria
    Actuellement, je suis doctorant en physique de la matiére condensé et ma recherche se concentre sur "Material property prediction using machine learning in order to discover new materials".
  • Master II
    Université Ferhat Abbas, Sétif
    Diplômé avec spécialisation en Physique de la matière condensée et des matériaux Cette formation m'a permis d'acquérir des compétences dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique, de la résolution de problèmes à l'aide de la programmation, de la préparation du manuscrit et de la représentation.
  • Licence
    Université Ferhat Abbas, Sétif
    Diplômé avec spécialisation en Physique Fondamentale J'ai obtenu mon diplôme avec distinction, rang 1, grâce à un programme d'études bien équilibré, qui est non seulement très analytique et technique, mais qui aide également à développer des concepts de recherche et de résolution de problèmes. Cette formation m'a permis d'acquérir des connaissances de base en physique, en mathématiques et en programmation