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Sahil Kalra

Senior Software Developer: Python Django NodeJS
  • Suggested rate
    $836 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Sahil's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Munich, BY, Germany
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set (12)
Sahil in a few words
9+ years of professional experience working as a Software Developer, Lead Engineer, Scrum Master and Product Owner on 20+ projects. Specialised in backend software development using Python and NodeJS. Worked extensively with Django and ExpressJS frameworks to create REST APIs. Experienced in Gitlab CI/CD, AWS, Docker and Kubernetes
  • Self-Employed
    Freelance IT consultant
    October 2022 - Today (2 years and 5 months)
    Munich, BY, Germany
    Technologies: Python, Django, NodeJS, AWS, Ansible, Kubernetes
  • Motius
    Project Owner
    July 2019 - August 2022 (3 years and 1 month)
    Munich, Germany
    Tech stack: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Mocha, ReactJS, Gitlab CI/CD, Python, Django, Django REST Framework, PostgreSQL, AWS, Azure, Rancher
    Worked as a Lead engineer on 5 projects in production
    Worked as a scrum master/product owner on 8 projects
    As a Lead engineer my responsibilities included: creating a scalable architecture, gathering requirements, defining quality standards, code review and peer coding sessions
    Maintained 90% test coverage.
    Scaled an application platform from 100 applications per month to 10,000 which supported up to 1 GB file uploads per application
  • Technical University of Munich
    Master Thesis
    October 2018 - April 2019 (6 months)
    Munich, Germany
    Developed a fully automated software which deploys Hyperledger Testbed on a Kubernetes cluster. The software sets up virtual machines using Openstack API which are then used to setup a Kubernetes cluster using kubespray. Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network is then deployed on the Kubernetes cluster. All the setups were completely automated and configurable. The testbed was then used for performance testing of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain and produce automated reports. Technologies used: Ansible Shell & Python scripts for automation, Kubernetes, Hyperledger Fabric, Blockchain contracts were written in NodeJS Source Code (Open source):
  • Master of Science
    Technical University Munich
    Master of Science - MS, Informatics