December 2008 - Today (16 years and 3 months)
Amsterdam Area, Netherlands
PVPR can help you generate rumour around your brand. My extensive, international, experience in PR and communications in entertainment, interior design, lifestyle, sports, real estate and FMCG over the past 15+ years means that I am able to deliver your message in the right way to the right audience. From the classic press release, editorial article, sampling, marketing PR, blogposts and social media to press trips, influencer marketing, events and press conferences: I have the experience, the attitude and the enthusiasm to take it out of your hands and to the next level. Clients are/were cultural, real estate, retail, city marketing, (interior)design, media, creative and social organisations like: Unibail Rodamco Westfield, AMC Networks, SunPower, FIRST Projektmanagement, Kennedy Executive Search & Consulting, Lazy Vegan, Coop, Bloom, Senso resin floors, Milestone, Interwand, Stadshart Amstelveen, Citymall Almere, Stadsdeel Zuid/Vondelpark Amsterdam, Stingray, Philips Lighting, Save our Sharks, Ballast Nedam Bouw in Beeldprijs, Yoga Magazine etc. I also work for and with a variety of NGO's and lobby organisations such as Ocean2012 (Common Fisheries Policy), PEW Environmental Trust, Deep Sea Conservation Coalition and Save our Sharks.