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Philip S.

Interim CxO | MarTech, Data, Analytics & BI
4 projects
  • Suggested rate
    $1,240 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response timeA few days
The project will begin once you accept Philip's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
München, Deutschland
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around München (up to 50km)
  • and around Berlin (up to 50km)
  • and around Frankfurt am Main (up to 50km)
  • and around Köln (up to 50km)
  • and around Hamburg (up to 50km)
  • and around Freiburg im Breisgau (up to 50km)
  • and around Augsburg (up to 50km)
  • and around Nürnberg (up to 50km)
  • and around Stuttgart (up to 50km)
  • and around Mainz (up to 50km)
  • and around Leipzig (up to 50km)
  • and around Aachen (up to 50km)
  • and around Düsseldorf (up to 10km)
  • and around Lindau (up to 50km)
  • and around Loerrach (up to 50km)
  • and around Kiel (up to 50km)
  • and around Bremen (up to 10km)

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Philip in a few words
Digital | Authentisch | Professionell
Ich bin Philip - ich baue, digitalisiere und automatisiere Unternehmen, sowie deren Marken mit einem klaren Fokus auf ROI, ohne die Identität des jeweiligen Markenkerns zu verlieren. Dies schaffe ich durch Implementierung und Befähigung von klaren Strukturen und digitalen Prozessen. Darüber hinaus befähige ich Stakeholder & Teams gemeinsam definierte Ziele zu erreichen.

Das Enabling von Partnern bewirke ich durch meine Eigenschaft als Servant-Leader, welches durch den strategischen & operativen 360° Ansatz eine intelligente Autonomie in Unternehmen entstehen lässt, die den Zweck der höchsten Qualität, gepaart mit Effizienz dient.

In den letzten Jahren konnte ich bereits mein Know-How branchenübergreifend für Unternehmen, externe Partner & eigene Marken erfolgreich einsetzen - dazu zählen bspw. RedBull, Rolls Royce und SoftBank, sowie weitere Unternehmen in den Bereichen Mode, Luxus, Lifestyle, Telekommunikation, Reisen, Digital Banking & Food im DACH- & APAC-Bereich. Eine stetige persönliche Weiterentwicklung ist dabei einer meiner Grundpfeiler.

Als Sparrings-Partner ist es mein Ziel das Wissen effektiv einzusetzen um langfristigen, replizierbaren Erfolg zu ermöglichen. Klare Strukturen und ineinander fließende, digitale Geschäftsprozesse, sowie das Verständnis für diese Ansätze sind ein Grundfaktor für Skalierbarkeit.

Die letzten Jahre habe ich mehrere Projekte in leitender Position erfolgreich begleitet, der ø-Umsatz von 12 - 31 Mio. EUR Umsatz, mittleren, zweistelligen Wachstumsraten, sowie Personal- & Führungsverantwortung in den Bereichen digitales Marketing, strategische Ausrichtung & Produktentwicklung.
  • BMW Group AG
    Senior Digital Strategist
    March 2023 - December 2023 (10 months)
    Munich, Germany
    Institute a data-first methodology for Direct-to-Consumer Sales and Marketing Transformation for FSM. Lead the coordination, design, and execution of these processes, while continually developing and optimizing existing processes, along with their associated interfaces and responsibilities.
    - Deploy a data-driven approach for User Journey and Go-To-Market strategies. Manage process-oriented projects and workshops, identifying potential weak points and architecting solutions to rectify them.
    - Centralize data and MarTech strategies across 52 markets and 168 Ad-Accounts. Implement a unified Customer Data Platform (CDP) and Customer Data Hub (CDH). Manage cross-functional projects and facilitate know-how transfer for stakeholders, particularly global C-Level stakeholders.
    - Oversee tracking and cross-domain optimization in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), incorporating tools such as Adobe Analytics, Power BI, Datormama, Tableau, etc. Guide stakeholders in implementing strategic transformation and optimization programs.
    - Conceive a data strategy for A.I. and manage cross-domain stakeholders regarding MarTech & SecTech centralization. Shape the introduction and refinement of new processes, BPM product futures, and their continuous optimization, digitalization, and automation.
    - Implement global ePaaS (ePrivacy-as-a-Service), ensuring GDPR compliance. Enhance stakeholders' knowledge base through targeted training and coaching initiatives, including SIEM optimization.
    - Conduct a global data maturity analysis. Further develop BPM product by crafting detailed process descriptions and operating instructions for global IT governance and global project assurance for MarTech & SOC
    - Assume global cross-functional BPM lead roles to implement and influence the organization's Data strategy, fostering a culture of process-oriented performance management.
  • CompanyBuilder GmbH
    Chief Marketing Officer
    January 2016 - October 2019 (3 years and 10 months)
    Tokio, Japan
    - building & consulting digital businesses on a sustainable basis in various areas
    - building & overseeing various teams & budgets in our digital business units
    - building automated sales-pipelines & implementing digital-data-driven marketing
    - strategic leadership & coaching of +28 FTE marketing-, sales- & key-account-team + freelancer & agencies
    - building performance- & data-driven marketing for various industries
    - implementing CRM with digital-scorecards & automations
    - overseeing Marketing-Budgets of >7.000.000€/year
    - Candidate-Journey & Tracking (On- & Offline) for Re-Targeting, CRO & Tag Management
    - Optimizing Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics for Attribution-Model
    - hiring & salary negotiation, general (price-) negotiations with marketing partner
    - Stakeholder Management
    Hubspot Marketing Automation Leadership Digital Marketing Sales Pipeline Strategic Marketing
  • vylip
    Managing Partner Marketing & Sales
    April 2013 - December 2015 (2 years and 9 months)
    - Digital Marketing Agency for Content- und Trans-Media-Brandmarketing
    - Marketing Automation,
    - Funnel Strategy,
    - CRO (Conversion-Rate-Optimization),
    - Lead Generation,
    - Organic Engagement,
    - Growth Hacking,
    - Paid- & Earned-Media,
    - (Social-) CRM Management,
    Facebook-Marketing Youtube Marketing Videoproduktion CRM Social Media Web Analytics
4 projects on Malt
  • Quality

  • Respects deadlines

  • Communication


Cem-Codevertise – Coding & Advertising


Fest im Team! Ein Mal Philip immer Philip!


Cem-Codevertise – Coding & Advertising


Top abgeliefert! Es geht weiter!

  • Global Leadership MBA
    Toyo University | Tokyo, Japan
  • Data Sience & Marketing
    UNTREF | Buenos Aires, Argentinia
  • Sport, Business & Law
    University of Bayreuth | Bavaria, Germany