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Ohm Patel

Software Engineer | Golang | Node JS
  • Suggested rate
    $450 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Ohm's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Skill set
Ohm in a few words
I have over 5 years of experience working as a back end engineer. I have built scalable and high-performance backend systems for various companies including Reddit, Deliveroo, and fintech startups.

At Reddit, I worked on core backend services for their ads system. This involved migrating their Thrift communication to gRPC which improved latency. I also set up monitoring and began refactoring backend services from Scala to Go.

At Deliveroo, I developed backend pipelines for handling menus, orders, and failed deliveries. I used Kafka, Redis, and other tools to build an asynchronous and scalable backend. I was able to reduce order failure rates through monitoring and alerting.

I have experience building authentication, authorization, caching, state machines, and other critical backend services. I utilize technologies like Go, gRPC, Kafka, Redis, Postgres, and more. I have containerized applications using Docker.

In my personal projects, I've built backend systems from the ground up such as a decentralized storage service using IPFS and a streaming data processor.

Overall, I have strong hands-on experience designing, implementing, and operating backend systems at scale. I have a proven track record of developing robust and scalable backend services for major companies as well as personal projects.
  • Reddit
    Software Engineer
    August 2022 - Today (2 years and 6 months)
    Seattle, WA, USA
    - Prepared, discussed and led company wide initiative to migrate
    from thrift to gRPC communication. reduced latency by 5% across ads service on an average, better load balancing across all the pods due to client side load balancing.
    - Designed and led Integration Test framework for the core ads services to increase the test coverage and discover bugs in the system. After the implementation we were able to decrease the incidents by 10%.
    - Refactoring the legacy scala codebase to Go.
    - Setup prometheus monitoring across all Go services for ads serving team which helped team to gain insights on metrics,
    setup alerting and monitoring on top of those metrics which decreases the issue turnaround time by ~30% as compared to sentry based alerting system.
    - Implementing and maintaining the ad serving pipeline
    - Building the user events tracking services to gauge the user
    behavior and actions while interacting with the reddit posts and
    - Working on Go, GRPC, Redis, Kafka
    GO Cassandra Redis Apache Kafka Prometheus
  • Deliveroo
    Software Engineer
    May 2021 - August 2022 (1 year and 4 months)
    London, England, United Kingdom
    Building the menu and order ingestion pipeline for one of the biggest food delivery companies of Europe.
    - Reduce the order failure rates by ~27% by setting up the proper alerting and monitoring using datadog.
    - Scaled the system to handle ~45k orders in a day.
    - Developed the backup pipeline to handle the failed orders.
    - Designed and developed the menu polling, restaurant schedules and menu push system.
    - Revamped the entire menu processing system to be highly scalable and async using kafka and webhooks for notification.
    - Working on Go, AWS S3, AWS RDS, Redis, Kafka
    GO Node.js Kafka
  • Solid
    Software Engineer
    May 2020 - October 2021 (1 year and 6 months)
    San Mateo, CA, USA
    Building silicon valley fintech products using Go, AWS and postgres.
    - Building authentication and authorization system for core banking platform.
    - Building microservices and APIs for clients.
    - Using GRPC protobufs services for inter-service
    - Working on databases such as Postgres and cryptographic
    ledger databases, QLDB by AWS.
    - Implementing caching systems using distributed caching
    solutions such as memcache and redis.
    - Working with queuing technologies such as SQS, SNS.
    - Implemented state machine for end to end KYC and KYB
    - Deploying applications using docker containers.
    QLDB SQS PostgreSQL Rust GO
  • Bachelors Of Computer Science
    IIT Gandhinagar