I am a mid-professional with 7 years of professional experience in the development sector. I was employed as a senior consultant at Deloitte Afrique. I worked on a SME development national program called PADMPME in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to support the implementation of the Business Plan Competition. In addition, I worked and focused on development projects funded by international donors like USAID, US department of State. I developed tools and methodologies to streamline the implementation of these projects across different industries and sectors like agriculture, local governance and decentralization, innovation and entrepreneurship. Public sector: I supported the Tunisian government in introducing reforms in the agricultural sector, restructuring the Ministry of Agriculture for increased performance, and improving training services to farmers. I also took part of USAID funded project that supports decentralization and I contributed to reshaping the current role of the ministry and public institutions at the national level and setting a roadmap for PPP at local level, in an effort to support Tunisia’s decentralization following the first municipal elections in May 2018. Monitoring & Evaluation: In my work prior to joining Deloitte, I worked as a consultant and M&E specialist with Pragma on USAID funded Tunisia “Business Reform and Competitiveness Project”. My work consisted of elaborating work plans, setting objectives jointly with the team and stakeholders, monitoring the advancement and achievements of the project objectives- based on key performance indicators, and overseeing the M&E auditing visits conducted by USAID.