My main interests lie in workflow automation, data collection and reporting, and the nitty gritty of making a project work with as little fuss as possible for the end user. A lot of my experience has been in market research where I've automated processes relating to cleaning and importing participant data, sending out surveys by email, collecting the results and reporting them.
I've written my own survey system on a couple of occasions, including using two way SMS, as well as working with other systems to import their data into my own reporting solution. I have used Highcharts and a number of other front end charting engines.
Right now I'm working on a number of my own projects including and but I've worked for a variety of clients in the automotive and utilities spaces including SEAT, Ford, Toyota, National Grid and SGN.
A typical project is usually ASP.NET Core with the Identity framework, either with Azure AD login or local accounts. I use Entity Framework for most database interactions including creating and updating the schema, but I'm also proficient with T-SQL. For the front end, I am familiar with Vue.js, but I prefer to work with more lightweight tools like Reef.js, especially now all major browsers support ES6.
My preference is to take a project from conception to completion, but I'm happy to work on anything in any state!