- EMERGEiQFounder and CTODIGITAL & ITMarch 2019 - Today (5 years and 11 months)London, UKCTO for a Data Science/AI technology and platform development company, that service SME businessesDeveloped a data science and artificial intelligence cloud based platform to process data for clientsManage multiple teams of Analysts, Data Scientists, Engineers, DevOps and Developers across various projects
- FUNDSaiQCo-FounderBANKING & INSURANCENovember 2020 - Today (4 years and 3 months)London, UKFUNDSaiQ is a Mutual Fund client facing platform used by IFA’s to see unbiased and ethical funds.Manage the end to end technology development of an artificial intelligence funds selection platform www.fundsaiq.com.Manage the Data Science and Artificial intelligence team responsible for developing and maintaining the algorithms used in the platform
- GroovSenseFounderDIGITAL & ITOctober 2018 - Today (6 years and 4 months)London, UKEnd to end delivery of GroovSense AI Music App. GroovSenseⓇis a free to download mobile music selection app like no other, coming soon to Apple App and Google Play stores.GroovSenseⓇhas developed it's own Artificial Intelligence software (US Patent Approved) that automatically understands the music preferences of everyone in the room and is also aware of their enjoyment, which means that… GroovSenseⓇwill automatically improve a host's playlist, in real time, to play music that everyone will like, whatever the location or event.
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- Digital Transformation StrategyMassachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management2019Digital Transformation Strategy
- MBAImperial College London2009MBA
- BEng, Integrated EngineeringUniversity of Liverpool1999BEng, Integrated Engineering