- Vanguard LeadershipLinkedIn Trainer | Owner | Training on Social Selling, Recruitment, Social Media Policy & ContentOctober 2008 - Today (16 years and 4 months)With my coaching and consultancy, I help people and companies realize a true ROI on their social media investments and activities by focusing on closing the gap between social media and business when it comes to sales, marketing, recruitment, and employee ambassadorship.- Overachieving quota year after year with growing margins• Coaching for ⬛SocialSelling to achieve set sales goals• Lead generation through social selling as a service- Creating visibility to make the brand shine• Coaching for personal and company profiles• Lead generation through organic and paid reach and campaigns- Finding top talent for topnotch delivery• Finding the right partners to expand product offering• From interview to onboarding partners- Becoming the client's trusted advisor• Implementing Social Selling and Social Recruitment coaching programs• Social media consultancy to make B2B companies more agile and successful
- Vanguard LeadershipAlliance and Business Manager – Sales & marketing representative in Belgium - CEO - CFO - CMOOctober 2009 - Today (15 years and 4 months)The Social Selling Company (Nov 2017 to Aug 2018) I have joined forces with "The Social Selling Company" to help companies successfully implement social selling throughout their organization both locally & internationally. My Role: Conduct Social Selling Training Programs for sales, marketing, and management teams Accompany Social Selling/Digital Sales transition Programs Creating Social Media Policies that stimulate social selling Implement Employee Advocacy programs to support Social Selling Makeover Services International (Oct 2016 – Apr 2017) I joined forces with "Makeover Services International (MSI)" to perform LinkedIn Profile Makeovers as part of the 11 countries being served. They operate globally with local resources like me. They We offer discrete makeovers of LinkedIn profiles and LinkedIn Company Pages and Re makeovers. My Role: As country manager: Business development Marketing LinkedIn Profile MakeOvers ubeon (Sep 2011 – Sep 2013) ubeon is a cooperative network of independent business coaches, consultants and trainers. They help companies in their development with regard to market, organization and people. The ubeon Academy offers open training courses on topics like communication, personal skills, system thinking, social media, etc. My Role: As a social media expert and policy creator, I delivered: Social Media Strategy Advice Social Media workshops and training (in-company and open formats) Created Social media Policies Consultancy on social media Conversation Management The Networking Coach (Oct 2009 – Apr 2010) The Networking Coach has evolved towards Really Connect. They focus on the power of networking in both the offline and online world by giving presentations, workshops, training, corporate programs and webinars. My Role: Operational marketing Business development and Account management aka Sales Creation of multi city multi event training roadshow (50 sessions in 3 months)
- Vanguard LeadershipFreelance DPO - GDPR Data Protection Officer - Social Media Policy Creation & ConsultancyJuly 2017 - August 2020 (3 years and 1 month)• Takes over the role of the Data Protection Officer in an organization in line with GDPR requirements• Writes social media guidelines and policies (policy) to make your employees ambassadors)• Serves as an independent expert inside an organization• Deals with privacy and data protection issues and offers internal advice• Helps with GDPR compliance. Assists with the GDPR implementation & maintenance follow up (strategy, legal context, framework, processes, data & info mgt., architecture, tech, tools, data & info security,…)• Monitors, evaluates and steers the DPIA process• Conducts all relevant communications with the Data Protection Authorities• Connects the dots between Social Media and GDPR My soft skills: creativity, persuasion, collaboration, adaptability, time management, influencing, people management, agility and flexibility Common misspelling of my name are: Mick, Mik, Miek, Michel, Michael, Michiel, Nic, Nick, Niek, Vick, Vic, Adams, Mac, MacAdams, MacAdam, Mc Adam, McAdams
- Master of BusinessVlerick Business School1987MBA, Business admin
- Bachelor of Science in Information TechnologyHRITO Deurne1980Bachelor, Information Technology
- High School DiplomaKoninklijk Atheneum Veurne1978High School, Latin - Math
- LinkedIn AdvertizingLinkedIn2021