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Mara Taurina

Research, Product Strategy, Customer Development
  • Suggested rate
    $262 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Mara's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Riga, Latvia
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Skill set
Mara in a few words
I can help companies to build Product Strategies and deep dive into Customer Development tasks, as well as implement all kind of market research.
I'm a market research professional with considerable experience in an international business environment.
During my career of more than 20 years, I‘ve helped many companies to make decisions based on proper market research.
I’ve worked with various clients from finance, telecommunications, retail, utilities, pharma and consumer goods industries.
I’ve extensive business management experience. For 8 years I lead market research company and maximize its business value and profitability.
I’ve gained knowledge and practical experience in product management and startup industry.
During last year I’ve developed my skills in Product management. I've worked with the mentor from venture capital firm SOCS GokSon Capital Ltd, based in UK. I've graduated Wise Guys Pre-Accelerator and won 1st place at Women in Technology Hackathon 2022, with my team "Women On Duty".
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    General Manager, Chair of the Board
    September 2017 - Today (7 years and 5 months)
    Riga, Latvia
    • Develop goals and objectives to ensure growth
    • Design and implement business plans and strategies to achieve goals
    • Assess overall company performance against objectives
    • Ensure that the company has the adequate and suitable resources to complete its activities
    • Organize and coordinate operations in ways that ensure maximum productivity
    • Supervise the work of employees and provide feedback
    • Maintain relationships with partners/vendors/suppliers
    • Gather, analyze and interpret external and internal data
    • Represent the company
    • Ensure adherence to legal rules and guidelines Post acquisition integration, ensuring stability and value for new shareholder. Keeping key team and customers through acquisition process. Growing company profitability every year.
    Product development Pitch Market analysis market research product strategy customer development Business intelligence
  • GfK
    General Manager, Chair of the Board
    July 2014 - September 2017 (3 years and 2 months)
    Riga, Latvia
    • Develop and manage business turnaround strategy
    • Manage company in Latvia with branches in Lithuania and Estonia
    • Ensure that the company has the adequate and suitable resources to complete its activities
    • Supervise the work of employees and provide feedback
    • Maintain relationships with partners/vendors/suppliers
    • Gather, analyze and interpret external and internal data
    • Represent the company
    • Ensure adherence to legal rules and guidelines
    • Report to regional headquarters Took over the management of a company in the period of poor performance. Moved business into financial recovery phase. Together with the regional management prepared the company for successful M&A process.
    Project Management Market research competitors analysis
  • GfK
    Consumer Experience Latvia Division Manager
    November 2011 - July 2014 (2 years and 8 months)
    Riga, Latvia
  • Product Management
    Riga Tech Girls Mentorship program 2022
    Product Management
  • Master's degree, Sociology
    Latvijas Universitate
    Master's degree, Sociology