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Maisie Stanford

Digital Marketing
  • Suggested rate
    $310 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Maisie's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely
Verified email
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Maisie in a few words
After working for a company, running their marketing department for 7 years I wanted to branch out and work with a range of businesses and clients to help them achieve the best. I also have 3 of my own small businesses.

I have worked on a range of projects from completing new website projects, social media managment, designing downloadable PDFs, flyers, sending regular email campaigns etc.

I am skilled in content writing, including blog posts, product case studies and general page SEO to help you rank highly on Google organically.

I have extensive experience running ad campaigns, including both Google Ads and Social Media.

I am experienced in all aspects of online/ digital marketing as well as being able to consult you and your team on how you can best use marketing to improve your business needs.

I am a friendly character, I love learning about your business and your team and seeing how best we can accomplish your goals. I am also willing to visit your sites/ offices if required.

Please reach out for a free no obligations chat - I can't wait to see where your business could be heading!