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Emily D.

Social media marketing
  • Suggested rate
    $377 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time24 hours
The project will begin once you accept Emily's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set (27)
Emily in a few words
Ambitious student with strong academic record and focused, dedicated approach to tasks. Applies thorough education and keen communication skills to learn new subjects in detail. Seeking opportunities to gain practical experience from knowledgeable business owners. Knowledgeable business owner with experience establishing business goals and objectives that provide organisational growth. Identifies and resolves process inefficiencies to boost productivity. Proven success in meeting financial targets through strong budget management. I have experience in freelance jobs and I'm very easy to work with. I meet deadlines and work quickly but give out the best quality. I know my way around social media and what makes people go viral as im on social media all the time. I also know the demographics behind each and every social media platform which is helpful when advertising.
  • My pocket skill
    May 2022 - Today (2 years and 9 months)
    • Partnered with community groups to plan, execute and manage service projects, enhancing public profile.
    • Acted as reliable and responsive point of contact for press office, addressing both proactive and reactive measures.
    • Created innovative, effective promotions and marketing campaigns to bespoke client demands.
    • Protected brand image, moderating conversations, questions and comments to prevent undesirable content.
    Branding Brand content Social media Webdesign Video editing Content marketing Communication
  • Depop
    Self employed
    July 2020 - Today (4 years and 7 months)
    • Enhanced new product awareness by posting engaging images to company websites and social media accounts.
    • Devised and implemented new strategies in response to new trends and technologies.
    • Controlled use and flow of resources, guaranteeing adequate supply for daily operations.
    • Planned expansions to service and product offering based on client feedback.
    • Applied digital marketing tactics to drive business growth and awareness.
    • Tracked industry and consumer trends to identify opportunities to boost sales.
    • Established business goals and objectives to provide organisational direction toward growth and prosperity.
    • Oversaw budget management to keep to financial targets.
    • Attended and hosted networking events, establishing solid relationships with other business professionals.
    Content marketing Social media Branding SEO Product management E-commerce Webdesign Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Degree
    Community management Project Management Social media Digital Marketing Branding SEO