- BICSIT Business Analyst in Cloud Communication divisionTELECOMMUNICATIONSMarch 2017 - December 2021 (4 years and 10 months)- Designed and Implemented E2E solution for real time numbersprovisioning in more than 60 countries- Wrote complex SQL queries to build reports helping the organizationto get value from their data- Automated processes to reduce operational times by 50%- Developed Brand New Voice API in python
- BNP PARIBAS FORTISLead Analyst in ADM Web & Mobile Channels divisionBANKING & INSURANCENovember 2013 - December 2016 (3 years and 1 month)Brussels, Belgium- Designed and Implemented the brand-new mobile and web bankingapps used by 1 million of customers- Advised Agile Dev Off & On-shore team- Mastered big data models and built meaningful reports for theorganization
- FedictSoftware Engineer of e-Government web applications (Java EE)PUBLIC SECTORJanuary 2011 - October 2013 (2 years and 9 months)Brussels, Belgium- Implemented and deployed eBirth in 120 communes and 30hospitals to ease administrative tasks for parents and municipalemployees- Collected and structured anonymized data about births for nationalstatistical purpose
- Master of Computer ScienceUniversité libre de Bruxelles2005Master, Computer Sciences
- Building Artificial IntelligenceUniversity of Helsinki2022
- Elements of Artificial IntelligenceUniversity of Helsinki2021
- Introduction to Data Science in PythonUniversity of Michigan2022
- Python for EverybodyUniversity of Michigan2022
- Professional Scrum MasterScrum.org2017