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Laura T.

CV specialist and career consultancy
3 recommendations
  • Suggested rate
    $310 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Laura's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Sheffield, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Skill set (12)
Laura in a few words
Key Areas of Expertise (8+ years experience)
-CV/Resume Writing
-Recruitment Blogs
-Job Description/Recruitment Posts
-Employment blogs (interview skills ect)
-Cover Letters
-Career Consultancy

Currently looking for projects in recruitment consultancy and CV/resume writing. Aiding with effective job search and successfully helping you establish and target your ideal role.

I have a tenacious work ethic and would invite any opportunity in which I am able to use the knowledge and passion I have developed to produce high quality work
I have always been interested in freelance writing but following my degree (2:1 English Language) I felt I needed to find a sector that I was passionate about and could master before I could confidently freelance knowing I had a respectable and in-depth knowledge/understanding.
My experience in recruitment comes from working on a project aimed at reducing unemployment.
As well the "Key Areas" listed above, I am looking for opportunities to write about this niche style of recruitment. The type of recruitment that focuses not only on the economic and social side of the sector but also the underbelly of the mind set of those that are out of work (and may have been for some time) but are now seeking to re-enter the working world.

Regards content/blog writing I seek clients that require the following subjects:
-The various mental and physical health effects of being out of work, the economy of switching from benefits to paid work.
-The intricacies in the mind set of an individual that has been out of work for a prolonged period and the journey they go on until they are placed into a role.
-How I (the recruiter) go about onboarding my clients to support these candidates into work, despite a lack of work history.
I excel in evaluating and exploring the social, economic and various other values of this method of recruitment from both a business and individual perspective.
Thank you in advance
  • The Growth Company
    Employer engagement consultant
    August 2019 - Today (5 years and 6 months)
    Sheffield, England, United Kingdom
    Working as an Employer Engagement Consultant, I reach out to employers in all sectors through phone, email, LinkedIn and marketing posts in order to source vacancies, and ultimately place my candidates in new roles. I am highly confident in my ability to market and communicate the relevant facts to the employer, and get the buy in from them, to ensure I get consistent, repeat business and learn their business needs so every employer gets an individual and tailored approach. I work closely with the job centre as this is where I get my candidates from. All of my candidates have been long-term unemployed, so a large part of my role is writing to the employers to inform them of this project and also supporting the candidates through resume writing, various courses to improve skill sets (confidence, motivation, “ re-entering, the workplace, following a period of unemployment” etc). The end goal is to break down any barriers keeping the individual out of employment.
    I use many forms of media for marketing, and am comfortable with targeting an audience, persuasive, writing, SEO and other types of copy writing software.
    LinkedIn Marketing Recruitment Salesforce Marketing SEO Writing Project Management User Research
3 recommendations

Rachel Williams and 2 other people have recommended Laura

Rachel WilliamsRW
Rachel Williams
Staff One Ltd
Laura has been consistent in her communication and assistance in her role. She is positive, supportive and dependable. I highly recommend Laura and I encourage her to keep exceeding in her performance as it is greatly appreciated.

Mitch StringerMS
Mitch Stringer
GSL Education
Laura has been fantastic, her work ethic has been second to non, i would highly recommend.
Ash PetchAP
Ash Petch
Affecto Recruitment
I was first introduced to Laura a few years ago. Her attention to detail, enthusiasm, and determination to deliver the best service possible is really admirable, this made her stand out above the rest in which I opted to only work with Laura, and seized working with competitors. Since I have moved businesses I have still continued to work with Laura, as well as building a close friendship. I can't recommend Laura enough for her work, and her as a person.

'Under promise and over deliver' definitely defines Laura.
  • English Language
    Sheffield Hallam
    As part of my English degree, I focused on creative writing and semantics. I also looked at marketing and various writing styles in order to capture an audience and to stand out. I also worked on SEO and how this can be utilised to get maximum views and interest. Degree classification: 2.1 Over the course of my degree I tailored my modules to include subjects such as promotion, persuasion, political speaking, semantics and pragmatics. I focused greatly on how language can be used in order to achieve a particular outcome; I have found this particularly useful in my past roles as a sales engineer and business development manager, especially when it comes to negotiation and creating/developing rapport. I took part in debates and produced high standards of written work which demonstrates my ability to adapt to situations, cope under pressure, and make quick decisions without losing focus of my end goal. My second and third year presented me with the opportunity to organise myself a placement, alongside my studies, as a way of gaining more experience in different environments. I attained a placement working closely with a marketing/sales team within my Student Union. The project was to design and promote an annual student event. Here I utilised the specialist knowledge I gained from my degree to aid the advertising team and make the promotion of the event as efficient and influential as possible