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Jones-Langley Jessica

Anglophone Marketing (Communications en anglais)
  • Suggested rate
    $183 / day
  • Experience0-2 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time12 hours
The project will begin once you accept Jones-Langley's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Paris, France
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Paris (up to 50km)
  • and around Paris (up to km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set
Jones-Langley in a few words
My specialty is helping companies connect with English audiences, and I'm looking to support growing companies with their marketing efforts.

With a Masters in Communications, I can create English-language content for blogs, social media, websites that engages and connects with people.

Professionally, I'm currently the comms lead for a pan-European political party. I have also been freelancing for over a year, including running a social media campaign raising awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and creating English language content for a travel company.

Before my career in Communications, I taught English for 5+ years so I have a very good knowledge of the language.

I'm looking to partner with companies on achieving their goals via digital marketing, please get in touch if you're interested in working together.
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    Communications Manager
    October 2019 - Today (5 years and 4 months)
    Paris, France
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  • Universities in France (Nantes) and China (Xiamen)
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  • Masters of Communications
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  • Bachelors of Arts in English and Media Studies
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