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Jonathan Philpott

Seasoned Project and Marketing Mgr- Media and IT
  • Suggested rate
    $837 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Jonathan's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Munich, Allemagne
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set
Jonathan in a few words
I am a very dependable, adaptable, fast-learning and experienced hands-on project manager. I have held EMEA business development and marketing manager positions within the IT industry.

Currently I am working within the German media landscape, supporting Sky Media GmbH as a project manager, for online B2B marketing platforms, live video streaming, as well as asset production.

I can be engaged to cover staff on extended holiday/ sickness/ maternity leave.

Within IT, I have worked for the likes of Apple, Cisco, EMC, NetApp, Microsoft, SAP and Tech Data; spanning 10+ years across EMEA as a freelancer.
  • JP Business Development and Marketing Services
    May 2022 - Today (2 years and 9 months)
    Munich, BY, Germany
    Providing seasoned freelance services around Project Management, Business Development and Marketing within the German B2B media landscape.
  • Breathe AI
    April 2020 - Today (4 years and 10 months)
    Munich, BY, Germany
    Automated knowledge transfer, just-in-real-time, between employees within collaboration platforms.
    AI Machine learning Collective Intelligence
  • distdor OHG
    December 2014 - April 2020 (5 years and 4 months)
    Munich Area, Germany
    We delivered Strategy and Marcom services for Tech Data EMEA (all Cisco BU's, including Cisco/Apple, Check Point, EMC, NetApp and Malwarebytes) on a monthly basis.

    We were entrusted with the following:

    - Full coordination of product, promotions and services launches, as it related to the below.
    - Developing end-to-end marketing and sales strategies for key stake holders
    - Copy writing for all assets (sales scripts, email campaigns, landing pages, banners, social media and video)
    - Translating into all EMEA languages
    - Designing, producing and delivering all assets in local language, according to country launch dates
    - Liaising with in country BDM's and Marketing Mangers to ensure the correct execution of campaigns
    - Hunting data analysis services (install base and renewals) to feed sales activities. Call scripts where also written, produced and delivered
    - Cisco engaged us directly, leveraging our expertise and track record within the Cisco Services space, to develop Services 'auto attach' concepts for all major distributors.
  • BA (Hons) European Marketing
    University of Lincoln
  • European Baccalaureate
    European School Munich