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John Durrant

  • Suggested rate
  • Experience0-2 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept John's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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John in a few words
I enjoy writing, translating a simple idea or a world-changing epiphany into words forming sparks of neural inspiration in the reader's mind to set up a whole chain of events which will ever-so-slightly change the course of history for all of our descendants.

The power of ideas is immense. Ideas are the essence of the cosmos, and we have the gift of writing through which to pass our ideas on for generational impact.

I'm not a professional writer (yet) but I write for both fun and function. I have joined this platform to practice and hone my writing abilities in venues that I'd not be exposed to in my day-to-day life to challenge myself to become a more versatile and expressive writer.
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  • Bachelor of Arts
    the University of Sheffield
    BA, Economics