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Jean-Baptiste Lasselle

Devops Quant
  • Suggested rate
    $915 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Jean-Baptiste's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Chamalières, France
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Chamalières (up to 50km)

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Jean-Baptiste in a few words

I am a devops, mainly gitops oriented: I do more than Infrastructure as code, I do gitops (fluxcd, argocd, etc...).

Get my Full Resume at the source of truth :
=> English version : SLASH Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle/resume-pdf/raw/0.0.0/CV-Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle.pdf
=> French version : SLASH Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle/resume-pdf/raw/0.0.0/CV-Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle_fr.pdf
When people out of IT industry ask me to explain my job, i answer that i build robots, and it's always fun.

I love :
=> automating
=> feeling that i am useful to my colleagues,
=> sharing knowledge: often play the evalgelist, and I typically am an SME Tech lead in devops Teams.
=> and challenge (tell me it is not possible, you will have me making a POC on a topic)

I most of the time operate in Kubernetes environments

I am an expert in CI CD, which is the topic which brought me from Dev world to Infrastructure world: if you do infra as code, you should do like coders, ie. you must use CICD and pipelines, like devs.

I have several years of experience terraforming on AWS, Azure and a bit GCP. My favorite IAC tools are terraform and pulumi.

My main interest currently is on all solutions to implement autonomous scalability, e.g. Kubernetes Controllers, Kubernetes Operators.

    Devops at
    July 2020 - February 2022 (1 year and 7 months)
    At, I was the first devops hired, and took part in creating the devops department.

    I lead a technical re-design and implementatioon of the entire CI/CD for all of products dev teams : AM, APIM, Cokcpit, and Alert Engine
    I advocated the choice of Circle CI instead of Jenkins.

    I also built the CI/CD system used by devops to operate infrastructures :

    => For SAAS offer, and we operated infrastructures to proviude that offer
    => For customer buisness cases, for example I completely designed a Pulumi Recipe to terraform and deploy API Gateway to AWS EKS on Fargate
    => I was in the Kubernetes team, i.e. the Kubernetes SMEs at

    I mainly used at Gravitee :

    => Pipelines to implement the Infrastructure As Code concepts,
    => gitops string orientation : fluxcd / argocd
    => helm v3 of course
    => Terraform, Pulumi, Azure AWS and GCP

    An other example of a : I completely designed the architecture;, and implemented, for an important Gravitee customer, to have a dedicated point to point VPN connexion between hist infrastructure and his SAAS environement. Not just a VPN client connecting to a VPN server, but actually sharing one same network through Highly available VPN Gateway.
    terraform fluxcd circleci helm kubernetes api-gateway argocd prometheus grafana loki gcp azure aws typescript nodejs python