I am a devops, mainly gitops oriented: I do more than Infrastructure as code, I do gitops (fluxcd, argocd, etc...).
Get my Full Resume at the source of truth :
=> English version : github.com SLASH Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle/resume-pdf/raw/0.0.0/CV-Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle.pdf
=> French version : github.com SLASH Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle/resume-pdf/raw/0.0.0/CV-Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle_fr.pdf
When people out of IT industry ask me to explain my job, i answer that i build robots, and it's always fun.
I love :
=> automating
=> feeling that i am useful to my colleagues,
=> sharing knowledge: often play the evalgelist, and I typically am an SME Tech lead in devops Teams.
=> and challenge (tell me it is not possible, you will have me making a POC on a topic)
I most of the time operate in Kubernetes environments
I am an expert in CI CD, which is the topic which brought me from Dev world to Infrastructure world: if you do infra as code, you should do like coders, ie. you must use CICD and pipelines, like devs.
I have several years of experience terraforming on AWS, Azure and a bit GCP. My favorite IAC tools are terraform and pulumi.
My main interest currently is on all solutions to implement autonomous scalability, e.g. Kubernetes Controllers, Kubernetes Operators.