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Ionut-Iulian Preda

QA Engineer
5 projects
  • Suggested rate
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Ionut-Iulian's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Bucureşti, BI, Romania
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Ionut-Iulian in a few words
I am a person open to new things which started this IT journey during the high school (theoretical profile: mathematics and computer science) where, as a first real project, I developed a Library Java Swing application for internal use. After this period, I graduated the Faculty of Computer Science from Iasi, Romania.

My first job has been at Unicredit Business Integrated Solutions as Java Developer. A period, I worked on the application management side, assuring that the apps that where in my duty are working properly in the production environment. The applications are from Germany and are used for personal and mortgages loans. For this two I did bug fixing, developed new functionalities and also some incidents management.

I continued at Mambu, also a banking system but much more customizable, and here I occupied a new position: Software Development Engineer in Test. I have been working a lot with Java 1.8 but also with Selenium. I was part of a team which handled two testing frameworks: one for the UI and another one for API’s. Basically, I created new test scenarios, on both, but also adapted the existing ones based on changes that were coming from the development team. I also ran test suites (smoke, regression) and investigated the failures that were occurring. Since they adopted Kanban methodology I also participated at refinements, commitments and retrospectives with the development teams which assured a good overview and a transparency in developing new test cases.

Since February 2019 I am working at European Commission as a QA Engineer and I am working with different tools and technologies such as: SoapUI, Bamboo, Java 1.8, Selenium, Groovy, etc. I am writing Test Case specifications for the automated tests and also I am creating automated tests. I execute functional testing, integration testing and regression I am reporting all the discovered issues.
  • European Commission
    Lead Quality Assurance Engineer
    February 2019 - Today (6 years)
    Brussels, Belgium
    - maintain and develop new automated tests (smoke and regression)
    -write test case specifications
    -run testing flows and investigate failings tests before a release
    -update Bamboo plans with custom test plans when need it
    -develop pipelines for CI/CD using Bamboo or Jenkins (integration with Docker)
    -perform E2E testing
  • EnerEd IT Academy
    Java Trainer
    May 2018 - February 2019 (9 months)
    Iași County, Romania
    - deliver technical Java courses to students
    -offer support and guiding on developing Java projects
    -provide post-course documentation, including course summaries and course evaluations
  • Mambu
    Software Development Engineer In Test
    March 2018 - February 2019 (11 months)
    Iași County, Romania
    - maintain and develop new automated tests (smoke and regression) for the UI
    -maintain RestAssured internal framework
    -run and investigate failings tests before a release
    -update Bamboo plans with custom test plans when need it
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
    Faculty, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi,Romania
    Bachelor's degree, Computer Science
  • Highschool Diploma, Mathematics and Computer Science
    National College "Gheorghe Munteanu Murgoci"
    Highschool Diploma, Mathematics and Computer Science