In the past few years, I worked as a machine learning specialist with a focus on neural networks. In that role, I developed deep learning-based solutions to Computer Vision, NLP and Voice Recognition problems. Today I work on Hyperionide — a startup dedicated to building tools for Python development.
Here’s what I can offer you:
— Prototype / develop a neural network. If you have a problem related to Computer Vision, NLP, or any other domain where it’s possible to get a reasonably large dataset, then I can build a deep learning solution to it.
(By the way, it’s often faster / cheaper w.r.t. hardware than you expect; these days it’s often possible to fine-tune a general purpose network, like GPT or SWIN, to your task, as opposed to training a neural network from scratch)
— Solve a technically challenging task. I have a strong math and algorithmic background, as well as a wide range of arcane technical knowledge — compiler theory, GPU programming, efficient data structures, functional programming, Bayesian statistics and all kinds of applied mathematics, etc. You want to build something, but your engineers tell you it can’t be done? Contact me, perhaps we can figure something out.
— Everything related to Python.