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Clément Galopin

Expert CRM & Data (référentiel client RCU/CDP, BI)
  • Suggested rate
    $1,166 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate66%
  • Response time24 hours
The project will begin once you accept Clément's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Paris, France
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Clément in a few words
👨‍💻 I am a tech entrepreneur & product/data/CRM expert with a hybrid profile: business academic background, prolific data consulting experience, and strong engineering culture and skills. I am a certified AWS solution architect.

🌍I am an Angel investor. I invest in women-led and eco-responsible/environmental startups.
Happy to discuss your product/tech/data/CRM challenges.

🤖 I am also an independent Data + CRM consultant.

💼 I also have worked:
1. As co-founder & CPTO @Octolis where I lead product & tech and built a team of 10+ developers (I exited with the acquisition of Octolis by (ex-Sendinblue), the european leading digital markting platform for SMBs.
2. As a part-time teacher at emlyon business school.
3. As a Data & CRM consulting manager for Cartelis + regularly for other firms such as CustUp (white-labeling).

🚀 Some companies I have worked for as a consultant: OpenClassrooms, Solocal, RATP Group, Minelli, IZI by EDF (HelloCasa), Drivy, Burger King, Euler Hermes, Natixis, Humanis-Malakoff Mederic, l'Opinion, Interneststores, Randstad.
  • Data & CRM Director
    November 2023 - Today (1 year and 3 months)
    Advising companies on their Data & CRM key issues such as Customer 360, data warehouse/data lake, ETL, BI, marketing automation...
  • Octolis
    Co-founder, CPTO (CPO + CTO)
    January 2020 - October 2023 (3 years and 9 months)
    Paris, France
    Octolis is a Customer Data Platform, a SaaS to create a unified customer database, and synchronize it with your favorite tools.
  • Cartelis
    Manager Data & CRM
    September 2018 - June 2021 (2 years and 10 months)
    Paris, France
    Cartelis is a team of data specialists that assists startups and big companies in structuring, analyzing, and leveraging their customer data, from building the strategy to its implementation. Its uniqueness lies in its startup DNA and the hybrid business & data profile of its consultants.

    I have been involved in several dozens of topics in complex and varied environments, mostly as a mission director. My expertise was both on CRM (customer journey, relationship plan...), but also and especially on data: data architecture and customer 360 (RCU, CDP), tracking and tag management, analytics, scoring.

    Some companies I have worked for: OpenClassrooms, Solocal, RATP Group, Minelli, IZI by EDF (HelloCasa), Drivy, Burger King, Euler Hermes, Natixis, Humanis-Malakoff Mederic, l'Opinion, Randstad.
  • Master in Science (MSc)
    Data & Marketing