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Christine Ratcliffe

Writer and researcher
  • Suggested rate
    $314 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Christine's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Skill set
Christine in a few words
I am a passionate person who loves the feeling of 'wow!'. I have seven years’ of professional jobs, most of that time has been spent in International Development sector.

I have sucessfully completed a number of writing projects including:
- Case studies (development and writing)
- Copy for brochures
- Presentations and pitch decks (for successful seven-figure grant applications)
- Technical documentation (methodologies)
- Blogs (presonal and professional)
- Grant bids
- Annual reports
- Corportate social media posts (LinkedIn and Twitter)

Research experience (selected):
- Technical research and presentations for a climate program in Indonesia (multi-sectional)
- Political Economy Analysis and brief writing for a social program in Indonesia
- Nature Based Solutions research and presentation to support scoping a project in Peru

I very much enjoy writing and I'm looking forward to expanding this part of my portfolio.
  • Cowater International (Independent consultant, remote)
    Consultant - Social, Environment and Economic Department
    January 2022 - September 2022 (9 months)
    Toronto, ON, Canada
    Cowater International is an International Development agency that works with donors from around the world to deliver programs to address systemic social and environmental challenges in low and middle income countries.

    I supported a team within the Social, Environment and Economic Department on bid development for a number of programs.

    - I led the technical research for a climate change bid, including recruitment and interviewing.
    - I provided PEA analysis and strategic delivery sections for the climate change program and a basic services program for women and vulnerable groups.

    - I produced a slide deck synthesising my research on opportunities and entry points for Nature Based Solutions focusing on the water sector.

    Product editing
    - I provided editing (including restructuring) of material for publication for other programs in the SEED portfolio.
    bid writing Political Economy Analysis bid development Recruitment Research Writing Proofreading/Editing
  • Urban Changemaker Coalition
    Principal Consultant (remote)
    June 2021 - February 2022 (8 months)
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Urban Changemaker Coalition was a technical assistance agency that provided services to enable local changemakers to solve deep-rooted challenges for their community. Sadly, this start-up NGO ran out of runway in January 2022.

    I was initially brought onto the team in the role of Principal Consultant in Monitoring and Evaluation. However, being a start-up NGO, UCC had a number of changing needs and I worked across a number of areas. I provided copy-writing services and social media management in addition to supporting changemakers with Monitoring and Evaluation practices.
    Copywriting Social media Writing Communication
  • The Palladium Group
    Senior Associate
    April 2016 - May 2021 (5 years and 1 month)
    Bristol, England, United Kingdom
    The ‘Partnerships for Forests’ (P4F) program is a UK aid funded £120m pre-commercial business incubator aiming to revolutionise the forest and land-use sector.

    Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL): I designed and developed methodologies to capture some of the programme's most important impact metrics and managed multiple key reporting processes.

    Social Impact Coordinator: In this role I was responsible for increasing awareness and knowledge and capturing social impact. In 2020 I developed and delivered interactive online training webinars on Gender and Social Inclusion to over 100 attendees across the global team. I managed the process of developing and implementing the two new impact metrics.

    'Project Officer': I worked closely with the executive directors of two organisations supporting the development of grant pitches and providing guidance through P4F's processes. I provided grant support for six and seven figure grants, including budget review and refinement. I was responsible for relationship management, risk management and capturing impact of the initiative including through developing and writing case studies and annual reporting.

    P4F bespoke information management system: Worked with a team of three to guide the development of a bespoke IMS for the program to bring together multiple data sources and streamline processes.
    Research Writing Writing - case studies Writing - reports
  • Masters Geographic Information Science (Distinction)
    University of Edinburgh
    For my dissertation I produced a self-led research 'paper' and technical report on habitat suitability under different climate change scenarios. My findings were picked up by a professor and used to inform continued research. Full scholarship
  • Geography
    University of Edinburgh
    A degree split equally between the humanities and sciences. During my exchange year at UBC in Vancouver I published a grey paper synthesising how the development of an oil pipeline could affect the economy and distribution of jobs nation-wide in Canada. The paper has been viewed over 400 times worldwide.