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Anderson Vaz

Java | Python | Data | Machine Learning
  • Suggested rate
    $837 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Anderson's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Amsterdam (up to 50km)

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Anderson in a few words
High level professional with 15+ experience packed with a solid technical background and a strong business management skills. Worked for a variety of different industries and performed a range of different roles from functional, managerial, and executive. Holds a BAs in Computer Sciences, a MBA with specialisation in Enterprise Management and comprehensive set of industry technology certifications. Proven experience in build high performance agile teams and define lean business processes and strategic thinking.
Notable recent experiences are LiDL Germany where worked in build a machine learning pipeline to training models with 1TB+ of information weekly. Models were used to predict pastry articles quantity required to bake for the 3 baking batches for LiDL stores all around the world. This led to savings in waste up to €4mi annually. For EU ENISA division created AI enabled Cyber Security Awareness Machine. This system index cyber security information from different sources and apply NLP and Knowledge Graph techniques to enable query the information in a more human friendly way. Allowing the user to full text search the gathered information and create awareness report to spread throughout EU.
Currently, holds the Head of Engineering position at TAUS. Leading the company data and digital transformation by creating a Data Architecture to support currently over 1TB of Language Data with focus in serveless technology. Deployed microservices architecture in order to increase business domains scalability in a controlled manner. Defined several business processes to decrease company operational cost. Promoted the culture of knowledge sharing which allowed the company interchange people across projects and needs thus increasing the IT range operation without need to hire more people. Led the digital transformation project which totally revamp TAUS service and website technologies allowing the company to go digital faster than ever before.
  • TAUS
    Head Of Data & Software Engineering
    September 2020 - Today (4 years and 5 months)
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Teradata
    Lead Software/Data Engineer for Analytics
    November 2017 - March 2020 (2 years and 4 months)
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Responsible to help customer to succeed on BigData and Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning) projects.
    - Architect and deploy BigData data lakes based on Hadoop with orchestration by Kylo/NiFi and consumption with Kafka, Spark and others.
    - Architect 'AnalyticsOps' workflows which automate the process of test, train, deploy and 'champion/challenge' of machine learning models for a considerable amount of different tools and frameworks like TensorFlow/Keras, with model deployment of type K5, ONNX, PMML.
  • Backbase
    Chapter Lead/Senior Software Engineer
    June 2016 - September 2017 (1 year and 3 months)
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Responsible for lead teams to develop and deploy Backbase Portal projects to customers all over the world. Talk directly to senior management and architects in order to understand the requirements and implement those in the product. Also act as trainer and interact with RnD department to help enhance Backbase product as a whole.
  • Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Business Administration and Management, General
    Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Business Administration and Management, General
  • Bachelor's degree, Computer and Information Sciences, General
    Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
    Bachelor's degree, Computer and Information Sciences, General
  • Training, Continuous Delivery
    QCon Tutorial - Martin Fowler and Jez Humble
    Training, Continuous Delivery
  • Training, Rest From Scratch
    QCon Tutorial - Guilherme Silveira
    Training, Rest From Scratch
  • Training, Web Testing & Exploiting Workshop
    Bonsai Security
    Training, Web Testing & Exploiting Workshop