- AltranSite Reliability EngineerDIGITAL & ITJanuary 2019 - Today (6 years and 1 month)Nice, FranceConsultant for Orange Melvis:Operate elasticsearch clusters for clients having different needs.Maintenance, evolution of a high performance logs chains from legacy platforms to cloud platforms.Ensure clusters capacities in storage and ingestion of logs (130 000 logs/s & 200 To).
- AltranDevOps EngineerDIGITAL & ITNovember 2017 - January 2019 (1 year and 2 months)Nice, FranceConsultant for Orange MDCS :Maintenance, evolution and generic usage of Streamy Project to provide a unified logs system.Improve Gitlab CI build for many teams by providing generics Docker image.CI/CD implementation for many projects.Built a monitoring system based on Docker Swarm and legacy xymon system to ensure high availability based on alerting.Developed a generic docker healthcheck in Go.Expertise in Software Architecture to build new platforms.Rebuilt from scratch Docker image base based on S6 supervisor to allow high inheritance, fast startup and little maintenance.Many small tools to speed up process and developments.
- TechcodeFreelanceSOFTWARE PUBLISHINGSeptember 2018 - Today (6 years and 5 months)Nice, FranceTook on a multitude of projects for a number of clients over the years including Java GUI / Java backends / Scala / Node.JS / Php apps as well as taking care of deployments.Maintenance of a high availability cloud platform hosting various clients websites.
- License Computer ScienceUniversity Nice Sophia Antipolis2014Learn computer science basics
- Master's Degree in Computer Science (SA)University Nice Sophia Antipolis2017Master's Degree in Computer Science with specialty in Software Architecture
- Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 ProgrammerOracle2017